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Winter Gardening Tips - What to Do in Your Garden in Winter

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Winter Gardening Tips: What to do in your Winter Garden?

Whether it's winter or not, there are still many ways to enjoy your garden this winter. For children under five, it's possible to create window gardens indoors. You will need a large container, seeds or potting soil. The window garden can be decorated with your child. If you don't have time to start from seeds, you can also buy ready-to-go plants to stick inside the container. This will keep your child busy while he or she learns about the different types of plants. Pick plants in different textures and colours. These plants will improve their creativity and fine motor skills.

Another popular choice for winter gardening is a fence. A fence provides security, continuity, and a natural look to your garden. A popular tip is to plant winter flowering plants near the fence. PVC vinyl fencing is another popular option for fence gardening. This material is both economical and very effective. It is easy to grow small plants and doesn't pose any danger to your pet. It is possible to build a fence that will separate your garden from those of your neighbors.

Make sure you add organic matter when you prepare your garden beds in winter. This will improve soil structure and encourage earthworms as well as microbial activity. It is best to prepare your soil at least six months in advance of when you intend to plant the new plants. It is important to allow the soil to settle before planting. Otherwise, weeds can grow. That way, your garden will look great even in the winter!

Clothing and shoes for children are often out of fashion overnight. It is possible to use the shoes of your children as planting space if they have outgrown them. It is possible to use your old shoes or boots as a place to plant succulent cuttings and seeds. Another great idea is to turn old toys into beautiful and functional garden accessories. Once they are done, you have the ability to transform them into functional, decorative and fun items for your home.

Even if you don't plan on planting a garden this winter you can still enjoy it! Plants that are hardy can be used for holiday decorations like holly. Garden lighting is another option to bring holiday cheer. It is possible to make rich black gold from your garden scraps by composting them. This allows you to reap the many benefits of composting in your garden even when it is cold.

You can help your kids channel their energy in the garden by helping them do some gardening projects. These projects can be as simple and straightforward as turning your garden's compost heap or digging your vegetable patch. It's a great way to get them involved. Even the youngest child can take part. You might ask your children to help you in the garden if it is large enough. This will let them use their imaginations and help build their skills while having fun.

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Can I grow veggies indoors?

Yes, you can grow vegetables inside in the winter. You will need to purchase a greenhouse or grow lights. Make sure to check with local laws before doing this.

What should I do the first time you want to start a vegetable garden?

When beginning a garden, the first thing to do is to prepare the soil. This includes adding organic matter like composted cow manure, grass clippings leaves, straw, and so on, which will help to provide plant nutrients. Next, you will plant your seeds or seedlings directly into the prepared holes. Finally, water thoroughly.

What kind of lighting works best for growing plants indoors?

Florescent lights work well for growing plants indoors because they emit less heat than incandescent bulbs. They also provide consistent lighting without flickering or dimming. Both regular and compact fluorescent fluorescent bulbs are available. CFLs are up to 75% cheaper than traditional bulbs.


  • Today, 80 percent of all corn grown in North America is from GMO seed that is planted and sprayed with Roundup. - parkseed.com
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  • Most tomatoes and peppers will take 6-8 weeks to reach transplant size so plan according to your climate! - ufseeds.com

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How To

How to grow basil

Basil is one of your most versatile herbs. Basil can be used to flavor dishes and add flavor to sauces, soups, pasta, and desserts. Here are some tips to grow basil indoors.

  1. Be careful about where you place it. Basil is an annual and will not live more than one season if it isn't in the right spot. It can tolerate partial shade but prefers full sun. If you plan to grow it outside, make sure there is good air circulation.
  2. Plant the seeds. Basil seeds should always be planted at least 2 weeks before the last frost date. You should sow the seeds at a depth of 1/2 inch in small pots. The pots should be covered with clear plastic wrap. Germination can take up to ten days. After they have germinated move them into a cool, shaded place where the temperature stays around 70 degrees Fahrenheit.
  3. Once the seedlings are big enough to handle, transplant them. The plastic wrap should be removed and the seedlings transplanted into larger containers. To drain excess moisture, fill each container with potting mixture. Add more potting mixes as necessary. The containers should be placed in a sunny location or under indirect lighting. Mist the plants regularly to keep them from wilting.
  4. Once the danger of frost is over, cover the plants with a thick mulch layer. This will keep them warm and prevent water loss.
  5. You should water your plants often. Basil needs regular watering to thrive. Use a rain gauge to check how much water the plants need. You can also use a timer for the irrigation system to be turned off during dry spells.
  6. You should pick your basil at its peak. Pick leaves frequently to encourage bushier growth.
  7. The leaves can be dried on paper towels or screens. Place the leaves in glass jars, bags or in the refrigerator.


Winter Gardening Tips - What to Do in Your Garden in Winter