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Birds Magazine Spring Bloom & Birds

bloom and birds

Spring is not only for flowers. It's also for people. Spring is a way to bring people together. A new painting perfectly captures this spirit. "Spring Bloom and Birds", is the result a collaboration between a retired minister and a former school teacher. While the artist isn't selling the original artwork, you can purchase prints or posters from her. Visit her website to find out more.

If you love birds, you'll want to subscribe to Birds and Blooms Extra. This North American magazine offers a wealth of tips and helpful advice. It also features beautiful photographs. Birds and Blooms offers a great repurpose section which allows readers the opportunity to re-purpose items normally thrown out in a garden. These tips can help you attract birds to your yard. You'll also learn about invasive plants and how you can prevent them from entering your garden.

Birds and Blooms published its first issue in 1995. Milwaukee, Wisconsin is home to the magazine's editorial headquarters. Every issue features articles written entirely by readers. Photographs and illustrations are often the best. It contains information on backyard wildlife, backyard gardening, and bird watching. EXTRA issues are also available. They are published six times per year. This will allow you to have the latest issues, without having to re-order.

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What should I do the first time you want to start a vegetable garden?

Preparing the soil is the most important step in starting a garden. This includes adding organic material such as composted horse manure, grass clippings or leaves, straw and the like, which provides plant nutrients. Next, plant seeds or seedlings into prepared holes. Water thoroughly.

Is it possible to grow vegetables indoors?

Yes, you can grow vegetables inside in the winter. You will need a greenhouse or grow lighting. You should check the laws in your area before you purchase a greenhouse.

Can I plant fruit trees in pots

Yes! Fruit trees can be grown in pots if you're short on space. To prevent tree rot, make sure the pot has drainage holes. The pot should be deep enough to hold the rootball. This will keep the tree from becoming stressed.

How do I know what type of soil I have?

It is easy to tell the difference by the color of your dirt. Darker soils contain more organic matter than lighter-colored ones. You can also do soil tests. These tests assess the soil's nutritional content.

What is the difference between aquaponic gardening or hydroponic?

Hydroponic gardening relies on nutrient rich water rather than soil to provide nutrients for plants. Aquaponics involves the use of fish tanks in combination with plants to create an eco-system that can self-sufficient. It's like having a farm right in your backyard.

When to plant flowers

Planting flowers during springtime is best when temperatures are warm and the soil feels moist. If you live in a cold area, plant flowers only after the first frost. The ideal temperature indoors for plants is around 60°F.

What is a planting plan?

A planting calendar is a list that lists plants that should be planted at specific times throughout the year. The goal of a planting calendar is to maximize plant growth and minimize stress. For example, early spring crops like lettuce, spinach, and peas should be sown after the last frost date. Spring crops later include squash, cucumbers, summer beans, and squash. Fall crops include carrots, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, and potatoes.


  • It will likely be ready if a seedling has between 3 and 4 true leaves. (gilmour.com)
  • As the price of fruit and vegetables is expected to rise by 8% after Brexit, the idea of growing your own is now better than ever. (countryliving.com)
  • Today, 80 percent of all corn grown in North America is from GMO seed that is planted and sprayed with Roundup. - parkseed.com
  • According to a survey from the National Gardening Association, upward of 18 million novice gardeners have picked up a shovel since 2020. (wsj.com)

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How To

How to grow basil

Basil is one of the most versatile herbs you can use in your kitchen. Basil can be used to flavor dishes and add flavor to sauces, soups, pasta, and desserts. Here are some ways to grow basil indoors.

  1. Choose your location carefully. Basil is an annual and will not live more than one season if it isn't in the right spot. It can tolerate partial shade but prefers full sun. If you want to grow it outside choose an area that is well-ventilated.
  2. Plant the seeds. Basil seeds should always be planted at least 2 weeks before the last frost date. In small pots with potting mixture, sow seeds about 1/2 inch deep. Wrap the pots with clear plastic and place them in a sunny area. Germination can take up to ten days. Once germinated, move the pots into a shaded area where temperatures stay around 70 degrees Fahrenheit.
  3. Once the seedlings are big enough to handle, transplant them. Take off the plastic wrap and transfer the seedlings to larger containers. Add potting mix to each container. As needed, add more potting mixture. The containers should be placed in a sunny location or under indirect lighting. Keep the plants hydrated to avoid wilting.
  4. After frost danger has passed, add a thick layer to mulch. This will keep them warm and prevent water loss.
  5. Regularly water the plants. Basil needs to be hydrated regularly to ensure its survival. To determine how much water your plants require, use a rain gauge. A timer can be used to shut off the irrigation system when it is dry.
  6. Make sure to pick basil right when it is at its peak. Pick the leaves regularly to encourage bushier, healthier growth.
  7. The leaves can be dried on paper towels or screens. Keep the dried leaves in glass containers or bags in a refrigerator.


Birds Magazine Spring Bloom & Birds